
Gifted and Talented Education in the U.S.

Removing the Veil over Gifted and Talented Programs I have been approached by different administration in different districts regarding the relevance of gifted education. Many administrators and teachers have told me they had no idea what went on in the gifted class but just thought it was play. I have also heard just this summer from a colleague in gifted education that we are paying for the sins of our foreteachers. In response to the previous comment, another gifted professional responded, appropriately, that it no longer matters what was done before us, what matters is how we respond now. I agree. What we do now will set the stage for all gifted learners to come.   What does all of this mean? It means, gifted education was heavily guarded, veiled if you will, from the those who did not have an immediate stake in gifted education. Regular education teachers, administration, parents of non-gifted students, and the general public had no idea there was a special class offering social a
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